How to Get More Views on TikTok: Proven Techniques for 2024

TikTok has become a powerhouse in the world of social media, captivating millions of users worldwide. For content creators and businesses alike, figuring out how to get more views on TikTok has become a top priority. With its ever-changing algorithm and rapidly evolving trends, mastering this platform can lead to explosive growth in followers, engagement, and even business opportunities.

This article delves into proven techniques to boost your TikTok views in 2024. We'll explore strategies to optimize your profile for better discoverability, create content that resonates with current TikTok trends, and leverage the platform's algorithm to your advantage. By implementing these tactics, you'll be well-equipped to increase your audience engagement, grow your follower base, and make the most of TikTok's potential for your brand or personal account.

Optimize Your TikTok Profile for Discoverability

Create an Engaging Bio

An engaging TikTok bio serves as a brief yet impactful introduction to a user's profile. With a character limit of 80 unicode characters, creators must be concise and creative to effectively capture their essence and channel's purpose [1]. A well-crafted bio is crucial for making a strong first impression, showcasing one's brand, and encouraging engagement [1].

To create an engaging bio, users should:

  1. Use relevant keywords to improve discoverability within the app [2].
  2. Incorporate emojis strategically to convey personality and save space [2].
  3. Include a clear call-to-action (CTA) to guide audience behavior [2].
  4. Highlight their unique selling proposition (USP) to make their profile memorable [2].
  5. Strike a balance between providing information and sparking curiosity [2].

Experimenting with different bio styles and tracking their effectiveness can help optimize engagement and follower growth [2].

Use a Recognizable Profile Picture

The profile picture, or PFP, plays a significant role in a TikTok account's visual identity. The recommended size for a TikTok profile photo is 200 x 200 pixels, ensuring a clear and crisp square image [3]. The choice of profile picture depends on the account's purpose:

  1. Personal accounts: Choose a casual or playful image reflecting personality.
  2. Creative accounts: Use an image showcasing creativity or featuring content types.
  3. Business accounts: Opt for a professional-looking image reflecting brand and expertise [3].

For businesses, using a brand logo as the profile picture can effectively build brand recognition and awareness. Examples include Storykit, Ryan Air, and Duolingo [3]. Individual creators often benefit from using a photo of themselves to create a personal connection with followers, as seen with profiles like Charli D'Amelio, Lizzo, and The Rock [3].

To take a great profile picture, consider these tips:

  1. Find good lighting, preferably soft and diffused.
  2. Choose a flattering angle, slightly above eye level.
  3. Pay attention to composition, using the rule of thirds for balance [3].

Add Relevant Links

Adding clickable links to a TikTok bio can significantly enhance a profile's effectiveness. To add a link, users must first switch to a business account:

  1. Go to Profile > Menu > Settings and Privacy > Manage Account.
  2. Select "Switch to Business Account" under Account Control [4].

Once the account is switched, follow these steps to add a link:

  1. Access the profile and tap "Edit Profile."
  2. Look for the "Add your Website" option under the Website field.
  3. Enter the desired URL and save [4].

For accounts with fewer than 1,000 followers, only YouTube and Instagram links can be added as clickable options. To add these:

  1. Scroll down to the social section in the profile editor.
  2. Click on the YouTube or Instagram option.
  3. Sign in with the respective account to grant access [5].

Once an account reaches 1,000 followers, users can add other clickable links, such as Facebook or specific websites [5]. This feature allows creators to direct their audience to other platforms or important web pages, enhancing their overall online presence and engagement opportunities.

Create Trending and Engaging Content

Participate in TikTok Challenges

TikTok challenges have become a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience and increase brand recognition. These challenges often involve users creating and sharing videos based on a specific theme or concept. For instance, the Savage Challenge, which requires participants to learn and perform the choreography to Megan Thee Stallion's song "Savage," has gained significant popularity [6]. Brands can leverage this trend by creating their own version of the challenge and encouraging audience participation.

Another example is the Branded Hashtag Challenge, which allows companies to create unique challenges centered around their products or services [6]. This approach has the potential to generate substantial user-generated content (UGC), thereby boosting brand awareness. To maximize the impact of these challenges, brands can collaborate with influencers to increase appeal and reach.

Some popular TikTok challenges that have gained traction include:

  1. The Don't Rush Challenge: Users apply makeup in fast-forward videos [6].
  2. The Cha-Cha Slide Challenge: Participants dance to a chosen Cha-Cha Slide song [6].
  3. The Silhouette Challenge: Users pose in front of a well-lit window to create a visible outline [6].

Use Popular Audio Tracks

Audio plays a crucial role in TikTok content creation, with 88% of users stating that sound is essential to their overall experience on the app [7]. Incorporating trending sounds and songs into videos can significantly enhance brand recognition and audience engagement. In fact, TikTok users are eight times more likely to remember a brand for its unique audio choices than for other elements such as visual style, color, slogan, or logo [7].

To find trending sounds on TikTok:

  1. Use the search function and look for "viral sounds" or similar keywords [7].
  2. Browse the "For You" page to identify recurring sound clips [7].
  3. Explore the "Add sound" option when creating a new video [7].
  4. Utilize TikTok's Creative Center to view popular songs filtered by region [7].

Additionally, external resources such as Spotify playlists curated by TikTok's official account and YouTube channels like YUMMY and Redlist can provide valuable insights into trending TikTok sounds [7].

Incorporate Trending Hashtags

Hashtags are powerful tools for increasing engagement and discoverability on TikTok. They help the platform's algorithm understand video content and suggest it to interested users [8]. To effectively use hashtags:

  1. Mix popular hashtags with niche ones to reach both broad and narrow audiences [9].
  2. Create custom hashtags for challenges to encourage user participation [9].
  3. Add additional hashtags in the comments if the caption character limit is reached [9].
  4. Save frequently used hashtags in your phone's notes app for easy access [9].

TikTok allows up to 2,200 characters in captions, providing ample space for hashtags [9]. To find trending hashtags:

  1. Use TikTok's search function to explore popular hashtags related to sounds [8].
  2. Monitor the Trend Discover page regularly for up-to-date hashtag trends [9].
  3. Analyze competitor content and industry-specific trends for relevant hashtags [9].

By incorporating these strategies – participating in challenges, using popular audio tracks, and leveraging trending hashtags – creators and brands can significantly increase their visibility and engagement on TikTok.

Leverage TikTok's Algorithm

Post Consistently

Establishing a consistent content creation and posting schedule is crucial for maintaining momentum and keeping the audience engaged on TikTok. Regular uploads of fresh content increase the chances of being discovered by new users and help build a loyal following [10]. TikTok's ecosystem thrives on rapid content consumption, making it essential to post frequently and consistently. Missing a day might mean missing an entire trend [11].

However, it's important to strike a balance between quantity and quality. While regular posting can boost visibility, it's crucial not to sacrifice content quality for quantity. A well-thought-out video that taps into a trend or resonates with an audience can perform better than multiple hastily-made ones [11].

To maintain consistency while ensuring quality:

  1. Create a content calendar to plan and schedule posts in advance.
  2. Develop a signature style for instant recognition. For example, Notion creator Easlo starts most videos by showing their laptop, which they then open. The videos have a muted tone in their signature black and white, along with on-screen text that tells viewers what to expect [11].
  3. Experiment with different content formats, such as TikTok's photo carousels, to disrupt the feed and capture users' attention [11].

Engage With Other Users

Engagement is a two-way street on TikTok. Actively responding to comments and messages from the audience helps build connections and foster a sense of community. This engagement can lead to loyal followers who are more likely to interact with and share content, increasing its virality [10].

To enhance engagement:

  1. Respond promptly to comments and messages.
  2. Participate in trends and challenges relevant to the brand or content niche.
  3. Use features like Stitches or Duets to interact with other creators' content [11].
  4. Incorporate conversation-starting captions in videos to encourage audience interaction [11].

Analyze Your TikTok Analytics

TikTok provides creators with analytics that offer valuable insights into their audience's behavior and preferences. Monitoring and analyzing these analytics allows for a deeper understanding of what works best for the audience. Adjusting the content strategy based on these findings optimizes the chances of creating viral content that resonates with viewers [10].

To access TikTok Analytics:

  1. From the TikTok profile, tap the three vertical lines in the top right corner.
  2. Tap Creator Tools, then select Analytics [12].

Key metrics to track include:

  1. Reach: The number of unique accounts that have seen the post, indicating awareness and value gained [12].
  2. Engagement rate: Calculated based on likes, comments, shares, and reach [12].
  3. Average watch time: The average length of time users watched the videos [12].
  4. Followers demographics: Audience breakdown by age, gender, and region [12].
  5. Best time to post: Personalized recommendations for optimal posting times [12].

By reviewing TikTok analytics weekly, creators can see how their content is resonating and whether they're tracking towards monthly and quarterly goals. Looking for patterns and identifying trends can help optimize the content strategy. For example, if several top-performing videos share a similar content type, it likely indicates that the target audience actively enjoys this style [12].

To leverage TikTok's algorithm effectively, creators should focus on creating authentic and creative content that adds value through informative messages and entertainment. Crafting content that reflects the brand's personality and captures its essence naturally and compellingly can help it stand out [13]. Additionally, optimizing videos with relevant hashtags, trending audio, and compelling captions can enhance discoverability and engagement [13].


TikTok's potential to boost visibility and engagement is clear from the strategies discussed. By fine-tuning profiles, creating content that resonates with trends, and making the most of the platform's algorithm, users can significantly increase their views. The key lies in striking a balance between consistency and quality, while also staying adaptable to the ever-changing TikTok landscape.

To wrap up, success on TikTok hinges on a mix of creativity, strategy, and persistence. Regular analysis of performance metrics allows for continuous improvement and refinement of content strategies. As TikTok continues to evolve, those who stay informed about new features and trends, while maintaining authenticity, are best positioned to thrive on this dynamic platform.


Q: What strategies can increase my TikTok views in 2024?
A: To boost your views on TikTok, focus on creating videos that viewers watch from start to finish. Videos with high completion rates and repeat views are more likely to appear on more users' "For You Page," as this signals to the algorithm that your content is engaging.

Q: How does TikTok's algorithm decide what to show users in 2024?
A: TikTok's algorithm in 2024 analyzes a variety of user interactions, such as likes, comments, follows, and watch duration, to determine which videos to display on a user's "For You" page. These signals help the algorithm tailor content that aligns closely with the user's preferences.

Q: What are some effective tricks to get more views on TikTok?
A: To increase your TikTok views, consider these strategies: use relevant hashtags, keep your videos concise, incorporate trending sound effects, target a specific niche, create how-to content, engage in duets, collaborate with influencers or guests, and promote your TikTok videos on other social media platforms.

Q: How can I quickly achieve 1000 views on TikTok?
A: To quickly reach 1000 views on TikTok, know your audience well, use strategic hashtags, tap into trends on the "For You" page, capture viewers' attention immediately, use popular music or sounds, collaborate with other TikTok users, post multiple videos daily, and keep your videos short to maintain engagement.


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