Magoven launches Findall business Directory Suite for SA

JOHANNESBURG– Web designer and Digital Marketing company Magoven Creative Studio, today announced the launch of its complete “Findall Directory Suite” – an ultimate Proudly South African information Hub across all platforms. With more and more consumers making use of the worldwide web to search for information and make purchases, the company wants a piece of the pie. The introduction of the Findall Directory Suite (made up of 8 online directory websites), will see users being able to search for services, sell their old stuff, book a doctor’s appointment and even order food from any restaurant listed on the platform, within a 20km radius at the click of a button. The Polokwane- based Digital agency is adamant that “ the Findall Suite will introduce a new force to be reckoned with, particularly since it’s aimed at assisting consumers and smaller businesses in the industry who can not afford to be listed on these long existing, and admittedly, bigger platforms”. As part of the launch, adding a listing or advertising on these platforms, is made available to any business owner or consumer FREE of charge for a limited time period. Innovative features on all Findall websites include:
  • State-of-the-art Geo-location technology.
  • Compatibility with all devices.
  • Improved user interface.
This best-in-class website suite serves as the catalyst for part of Magoven’s focus — transforming how consumers interact with service providers online. Magoven plans to add mobile applications for all the Findall websites in due time. To learn more about the Findall Directory Suite, please visit;

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