Resolutions to Improve your Business Online Presence for 2018 (Demo)

Most people make resolutions for the New Year only to break them after a few weeks or months. However, you, as business owner, cannot afford to break your resolution to improve your business’ online presence. Why? Expanding your brand online will attract more clients. Start off the year right and maximize your online presence by pursuing these proven marketing tactics to improve online presence.

Make your website mobile friendly

Because of today’s busy lifestyles and time constraints, people often deem it better to access the internet through their mobile phones rather than using their desktop computer. With more and more people using smart phones to surf the net, it is a wise move to make your website responsive and fit for mobile consumption. Be sure to view your site on various mobile devices. How does it look? Is it easy to use?

Give your website a “facelift”

Is your website’s navigation easy? Does it have outdated content? Now’s the time to give your website a facelift. You can redesign your site, create additional content, or change images, to name a few suggestions. Updating your website will attract more visitors and, if they get around more easily, turn them into customers too.

Post videos

People are visual, and posting videos can help you expand your brand. Do some video marketing by creating a video every week – telling your prospects how to use your product, or giving them a tour of a facility, or showing anything else that will convince them to buy your product. You can post your advertisements, educational messages, or inspiring thoughts in YouTube, coupled with keyword-rich titles and tags. Embed them in your blog afterwards.

Engage prospects through social media

Social networking sites such as FacebookTwitter, Google+ and LinkedIn makes it easier to connect with your prospects because you get a chance to get one-on-one conversations with them. However, you must always remember that the goal is not just to post or to tweet, but to build relationships that will, in turn, engage your prospects more. Spend time getting to know your followers, retweeting interesting tweets, commenting on posts, and becoming responsive to questions.

Take advantage of your business blog

If you want to be favored by search engines, then you should take advantage of your business blog. Write educational, keyword-rich blog posts that answers your prospects’ questions. Remember to use attractive call-to-action words to grab your readers’ attention and get them to engage with your posts. These should help you develop link baits that will get you quality inbound links to your blog and help you build your online credibility.

Increase your e-mail list

Communication via e-mail still serves as a powerful marketing tool up until now. An easy way to increase your list is to get people sign up for an email newsletter. To entice readers to subscribe, you will need something valuable: discounts to an online store, an entry to a raffle, or just plain awesome content.

Author Bio: Melissa Page is a passionate writer and social media contributor who works with My Life, a platform that allows you to manage all your communications – emails, social network updates – in one dashboard. When she’s not busy writing, she plays bowling with her friends. Follow her on Twitter as @MelissaPage90.

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