6 Resolutions to Help Improve your Business Online Presence for 2022

Have you ever made some New Year’s resolutions only to break them after a few weeks or months. As a business owner, however, you cannot afford to break your resolution to boost the online presence of you company or business. In this digital age, having an online presence will not only expand your brand online, but it will also help in attracting more clients. So, why not plan ahead, to start off the year right and boost your online presence by pursuing these effective digital marketing tactics that’ll sure improve your business’ online presence in 2022?

1. Be more engaging with your potential customers through social media.

Social networking portals like Twitter, Facebook or Instagram have proven to be effective in connecting businesses with your prospects. This is because, as a small enterprise, you are able to interact directly in conversations with potential customers. Keep in mind, however, that, your objective is not simply to post or to tweet. Instead you are looking to build relationships that will, in turn, engage your prospects more. Take your time in getting to know who your followers are. Look for interesting tweets, then retweet, comment on posts, and respond to questions.

6 Resolutions to Help Improve your Business Online Presence for 20222. Optimize your website for mobile.

People today are simply too busy to be occupied by searching for service providers through PC’s and newspaper inserts. It’s often easier, better and faster to access the internet through mobile phones. With the majority of people using smart phones to surf the net daily, it is a smart move to optimise your website such that it’s responsive and fit for mobile content consumption. Check how your site looks on various mobile devices. Is it easy to use? Is it responsive?

3. Give your website an “upgrade”.

Your website’s navigation needs to be easy for any user to explore. Plan now for an update of your website design and of all outdated content in 2022. In redesigning your site, create additional content, or change images, to name a few suggestions. When you update your website, it will attract more visitors and, if they are able to navigate quite easily, they will turn into customers as well.

4. Use more videos.

These days, many people prefer to consume content visually, and posting videos can help you expand your brand to each and everyone of them. Look into more video marketing by creating a video every week – thus informing your potential customers how to use make use of your products, or giving them a tour of a facility, or showing anything else that will convince them to buy your product. You can share your promos, educational messages, or inspiring thoughts in YouTube, coupled with keyword-rich titles and tags. Nice thing is you can  then embed them in your blog afterwards.

5. Leverage your business blog posts.

If you want to be adored by search engines, then you should take full advantage of your business’ website blog. Research and write educational, keyword-rich blog posts that answers your customer’s questions. Include attractive call-to-action words that’ll grab your readers’ attention and get them to engage with your blog posts. These should help you develop link baits that will get you quality inbound links to your blog and help you build your online credibility.

6. Increase your e-mail list

Keeping your customer-community engaged and informed about your business offerings, via email can still serve as a powerful marketing tool for you. One effective way to increase your email database is to prompt people to sign up for an email newsletter. To motivate readers into subscribing, you will need to provide some incentives such as discounts to an online store, an entry to a raffle, or just plain awesome content.


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