Corporate Identity and Logo Design Package Pricing South Africa

Corporate Identity and Logo Design Package Pricing South Africa

The concept of corporate identity was originally coined in the ‘70s by US advertising consultants. At its core is the idea that a clear identity helps to make a company unique, which also helps to achieve a company’s corporate goals.

A South African company’s corporate identity shapes both the internal and external image of the company. With the costs and packages available, it’s important to be sure that this development of a company style and personality should be strategically planned to match, and be informed by, the company’s mission statement.

The aim is to ensure the organization is consistently presented to the public and to employees. Therefore, all company activities must be coordinated and reconciled to this corporate ideal. This includes the visual identity, organizational behavior, and corporate communications. However, consistent adherence to a corporate identity can often be a major challenge for companies. Coca-Cola and BMW are two examples of a successfully implemented corporate identity strategy.

What is corporate identity?

The term corporate identity refers to an organization’s perceived commercial character in South Africa. Both internal and external corporate identities should be the same. A corporate identity strategy aims to create a distinctive and autonomous market presence that is highly recognizable.

One of the most commonly misunderstood terms in business is corporate identity. Many people conflate the term with logos or mistakenly think it only applies to sectors such as banking, legal, or technology. However, corporate identity (also known as company identity or company id) is essential to the success of all brands, irrelevant of size or industry. corporations develop their very own corporate identity with a purpose to build trust and likewise to distinguish themselves from their competitive. A company will usually depend on the help of agencies to implement its corporate identity strategy.

A transparent identity helps to boost brand influence and awareness within the industry. In addition, the corporate identity acts alongside a unified brand identity to strengthen commitment to the company. This, in turn, promotes better loyalty amongst both employees and customers.

For instance, a unique corporate identity can contribute to the launch of recent company merchandise because an existing positive image is highly transferable and will lend further help to new initiatives. Subsequently, a great corporate identity can significantly reduce company costs and advertising costs in particular.

A corporate identity is a key element of the company’s image. Inside the company, it ensures that employees behave in accordance with a sure set of values which mirror and exemplify the company mission statement. And in a broader sense, the corporate identity can also be a cornerstone of a positive corporate culture.

Corporate Identity management tools

Managing a corporate identity requires three tools that should be interlinked, and each has the potential to affect the overall impression of the company. These are corporate design (visual appearance), corporate behavior and corporate communication. To underpin the corporate identity of an organization, it is vital that these different areas should neither conflict nor send contradictory messages.

1. Corporate Design

Corporate identity is usually equated with corporate design. Nonetheless, in reality this is only one side of a corporate identity – specifically the company’s visible image.

So, corporate design is probably the most immediately apparent part of the corporate identity. Parts of corporate design embrace the company logo, its visual corporate presence at trade festivals, the design of the company website, and the outstanding design features of company merchandise and packaging.

2. Corporate Behavior

The significance of corporate behavior when it comes to its impression upon corporate identity should by no means be underestimated. This additionally includes the conduct of a company towards all those who may very well be thought to be stakeholders. Aside from external behavior affecting clients, media, and the general public, corporate behavior will also be shaped by internal issues. These include, for instance, the honest treatment of staff and the behavior and management style of the management crew. Company employees in turn may also have a significant affect on corporate behavior, based mostly on the values they choose to adopt.

3. Corporate Communication

A consistent language and communication model are also vital parts of a corporate identity. Corporate communication concerns common commercial activities similar to press releases and advertising slogans in addition to all the numerous activities that might be considered internal communications, including communications with and between staff, the employees magazine, and so on.

So How Much are Corporate Identity and Logo Design Package Costs/ Pricing in South Africa (2021)?

Corporate Identity pricing in South Africa can vary widely. An agency might charge R1,500 to R250,000, depending on the brand, who they are and the scope of the project. But not all businesses need to invest that much. Magoven Creative Studio is able to bring agency-level design and expertise to the same project that has a higher cost elsewhere.

Below is suggested pricing.


A corporate identity provides a company a clear business profile and defines its standards of service and operational practices. Corporate identity embraces all types of company activities – from the style and language utilized in customer communications up to the management style and behavior of the management workforce. Corporate identity might be additional broken down into corporate design, corporate behavior and corporate communication.

A consistent deployment of corporate identity isn’t just restricted to the representation of the company to the broader public but additionally encompasses internal relationships throughout the company workforce.

The purpose of a corporate identity is to make a company distinctive and in better in a position to clearly differentiate itself from rivals. The idea of a corporate identity should be properly planned and strategically carried out.

Get in touch with us to find out how we can help your brand stand out from the rest.


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