Does Your Digital Marketing Agency HAVE THE “IT FACTOR”?

Maybe you’ve been with the same digital marketing agency for years. Or maybe you’re just getting started and are on the lookout for one.

Whatever your current marketing needs are, try to ensure that your marketing agency of choice has the “it factor”, which includes expertise, experience, competitive pricing, partnership and services that are right for your business.

Here are a few qualities that many look for in a digital marketing agency to ensure a good fit:



Anyone can claim that they’re the experts in an industry. But what’s more impressive is if they can show you they’re the experts. One way of measuring this is to see if your agency has any certifications, awards or other industry-related accolades. For example, at Magoven, our members of our marketing team have earned certifications in Inbound Marketing from HubSpot Academy. Others have earned their HubSpot Certification, Partner Certification, HubSpot Design Certification, Google Analytics Certification and even a graduate certificate in Learning Design & Technology! These ensure that there is merit behind each claim and that clients can trust in their digital marketing agency to be fully knowledgeable in their field.


Another way of measuring this might be if they offer some kind of complementary piece of information or premium content, such as a webinar series, a white paper, an e-book, an infographic, etc. If they’re willing to provide you with free, helpful information and post it online or send it directly to you, chances are they know what they’re talking about.



This doesn’t necessarily mean that the agency you hire has to have been around since the creation of the Internet. But it does mean that the team should have a significant amount of combined experience. Though digital marketing is relatively new in comparison to other fields (i.e. medicine, law, etc.), having a solid background working with its predecessors, a knowledge about its origin and insight into what tactics work best in today’s world are all things that contribute to experiencing. Your digital marketing agency might not be able to claim that they have 50 years of experience (like a law firm might), but they should have a thorough understanding of digital marketing and how it can be most effectively used for a variety of clients.



For those who know what digital marketing can do for their business, hiring a cheap agency almost never yields positive results. Spending money on marketing that uses black-hat SEO or other outdated tactics can end up costing you more in the long run. Or, if they’re using very inexpensive third-party contractors to do your work, that could end in disaster. Similarly, the most expensive one might be overpriced or might offer more than what your business actually needs. Your best bet is to do a bit of comparing and make sure your agency (or the one you’re considering) offers services at prices that are competitive, yet make sense for your business.



This is a two-fold quality that applies to both internal teamwork (with team members) and external teamwork (with clients). It should show that your digital marketing agency communicates effectively as a team through thorough project emails, collaborative in-person meetings with you and—most importantly—their work. Your agency should have open communication established right from the get-go, and you should be able to see it demonstrated clearly throughout the process.



Different businesses have different needs. Similarly, different people within those businesses have different needs. Whether you’re a hands-on type of client or one that wants to see the product only when it’s finished, your needs should always be valued and respected. Your ideas and goals for your business should also be well represented in the work produced. But moreover, the level of customer service offered to you should be unparalleled. Your digital marketing agency should be attentive, responsive, proactive, transparent and eager to delight.



If nothing else, the “it factor” for any agency should be their ability to provide you with the services/products that are actually right for you. A newlywed couple wouldn’t buy a starter home with six bedrooms just because a real estate agent told them they should. And a business with specific needs for digital marketing shouldn’t ever be sold anything that’s outdated, black-hat or not useful to what they need.


At Magoven Creative Studio, we strive to make these qualities (and more) a part of our day-to-day operations to give us the “it factor” your business might be seeking. If you’re looking for an agency that has what it takes to take your business to the next level, schedule a consultation with us. We’d love to chat about your marketing goals.

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